Yearly Grant Timeline
Grant Open - 17 Jan
Grant Closed - 31 Mar
Award Notificaitons - Mid May
Click HERE to Apply
The Law Enforcement Protection Program (LEPP) enables KOHS to provide law enforcement agencies across the state funds to purchase body armor, duty weapons, ammunition, electro-muscular disruption devices, and body-worn cameras. These funds are available for cities, counties, charter counties, unified counties, urban-counties, consolidated local government police departments, public university safety and security departments, sheriff's departments and special law enforcement officers attached to school districts.
In awarding these grants, KOHS gives first priority to providing and replacing body armor and second priority to providing firearms and ammunition, with residual funds available for the purchase of electronic-control weapons or electronic-muscular disruption technology and body-worn cameras. Body armor purchased using LEPP funds shall meet or exceed the standards issued by the National Institute of Justice for body armor.
Applications are accepted from January 15 to March 31 of each year. Applications are reviewed by KOHS staff, and with approval of the governor, are awarded based on available funding.