Infrastructure Protection

​​Kentucky’s local communities are the lifeblood and spirit of this commonwealth. In them, they support the state’s widespread commercial infrastructure which features two major international airports, the production of approximately 15 percent of the nation’s electricity, key interstate highways that run through more than two-thirds of Kentucky’s counties, and several large shipping hubs. In partnership with our many federal, state and local partners, the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security is working to identify and assess risk and the vulnerability of critical infrastructure and key assets throughout the commonwealth.

With the publication of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) in 2006, the federal government emphasized infrastructure protection as one of the core focus areas of homeland security. Since 2004, KOHS has focused efforts on infrastructure protection, first through programs such as the Kentucky Community Preparedness Program (2004-2007) and the Buffer Zone Protection Program (2005-2010) and now through following components.

Information Sharing and Analysis

The Kentucky Intelligence Information Center utilizes the Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN). HSIN is a secure and trusted Web-based portal for information sharing and collaboration among federal, state, local and private sector partners who are engaged in homeland security missions.

  • Request Access to Kentucky portal(s) (must have a valid “need to know”) by contacting the KIFC at
  • Request Access (must have a valid “need to know”) to U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

The KIFC conducts Critical Infrastructure/Key Resource Analysis following the framework and recommendations outlined in the National Infrastructure Protec​tion Plan and the Sector Specific Plans, in order to identify sector criticality and interdependencies to aid in the prioritization of CI/KR protection initiatives. Potential threat information that may affect our homeland security partners and private sector is shared through HSIN and through our partnership with the FBI Infragard-Kentucky Chapter.

Critical Infrastructure Program

Critical Infrastructure/Key Resource Protection and Planning

CI/KR protection is a complex mission that is carried out by multiple national and state government, private-sector agencies, businesses and public safety personnel.

KOHS and the KIFC work to provide resources to those with infrastructure protection responsibilities. These resources include training and training materials, workshops, intelligence information and grant funding.

KOHS offers suggestions on how your agency or business can enhance its preparedness and develop a protection program. If you are interested in enhancing security, below are some starting points to consider:

Every asset or agency falls into one of these sectors, sometimes into more than one. If you are interested in enhancing security of your infrastructure, below are some starting points to build your own program:

Educating Your Employees

  • Know what to look for
  • Know how to report
  • Know where to report


  • Develop security plans.
  • Develop specific protective measures.
  • Know what to do during elevated color-coded threat levels (green, blue, yellow, orange or red).


  • Get involved in Private or Public Critical Infrastructure initiatives such as InfraGard.
  • Develop closer partnership with local law enforcement. Contact to find out how to get in touch with your local liaison officer.
  • Stay informed! Sign up for access to Kentucky’s Homeland Security Information Network for Critical Sectors (HSIN-CS). Contact for more information.
  • Share lessons learned and best practices with your peers.

Managing Risk

  • Raise awareness
  • Randomly exercise your protective measures, which validate your security plans and enhance your protection.
  • Train your employees on what to do in case of an emergency.
  • Get involved with a professional security organization to review your security and assess Continuity of Business Operations.
  • Report Suspicious Activity to local law enforcement and/or the Kentucky Intelligence Fusion Center via our 24/7 tipline (1.886.393.6659).

Defining Critical Infrastructure

Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CI/KR) are any assets that the destruction or exploitation of can:

  • Cause adverse health effects or large mass casualties.
  • Impair federal or state departments and agencies.
  • Undermine state and local government.
  • Damage the private sector’s capability to deliver essential services.
  • Negatively affect the economy.
  • Undermine the public’s morale and confidence.

Infrastructure is organized into the following CI/KR sectors:

Infrastructure Protection